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When Should You Do Your Laundry?

Published Date:
February 29, 2024

Sometimes it seems like there’s no good time to do your laundry. If you start it in the morning, it can feel like you’re doing it all day. But, if you start it at night, you inevitably forget about it and have to start all over the next day.

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, though, there are some clear advantages and disadvantages to doing your laundry at different times.

Starting Laundry in the Morning

Starting laundry might not be number one on your want-to-do list but, for some people, it’s number one on their morning to-do list. Doing laundry in the morning has both advantages and disadvantages.


When you start your laundry in the morning, you’ll have the opportunity to get it all washed, dried and folded throughout the day and have everything back in its place before bedtime rolls around.

You’ll also have a little more wiggle room when it comes to how quickly you cycle your laundry though as forgetting for a few minutes wont mean you end up going to bed and forgetting to switch a load over until the next morning.


When you do laundry during the day time you might find yourself feeling tied to home and unable to go out to run errands or socialize as you’ll soon have a load of laundry to switch over.

Doing laundry in the morning and throughout the day is also often more expensive than running it at night as energy costs are at their highest during peak hours of the day.

Starting Laundry in the Evening

For the night owls among us, starting laundry in the evening is often the obvious choice. Whether you choose to stay up late to switch a few loads over or wait until the next morning, there are pros and cons to starting laundry in the evening.


|When it comes to conserving energy, one of the most important things you can do is run full loads of laundry rather than half-full loads. At the end of the day, after gathering up everything everyone wore that day and tossing it in the machine, you’re more likely to have a full load than you would be in the morning.

You’re also less likely to feel like you did all your laundry only to have more to do once everyone loads their hampers up with everything they wore throughout the day.


When you start laundry in the evening you commit to staying up for at least a few hours to ensure that everything that needs to be washed gets through the wash, dry and fold cycle.

While it might feel like nothing to pause your movie to make the quick switch from washer to dryer, staying up late can be quite the burden for some and forgetting can mean starting all over in the morning.

If you’re still undecided about when you should do your laundry, or you’d rather not do it at all, it might be time to consider a laundry pickup and delivery service.

Not only will your laundry return to you feeling fresh and smelling clean, but you won’t have to spend any time at all fretting about when to put it in, when to switch it over and when to fold it; and that is the biggest joy of all!

2ULaundry is a premium laundry and dry-cleaning pick-up and delivery service available in Charlotte, Atlanta, Tampa, Austin, San Antonio, and Phoenix. Learn more about 2ULaundry and sign up on our website.

Our promise to you

We will do everything we can to return your clothes to you in great shape. In the rare instance that an item goes missing or is damaged during the cleaning process, we’ll reimburse you up to the full value of the item with a $1,000 maximum per order.